Thursday, April 2, 2009


Ansley woke me up this morning at 6:20 (Ouch). I tried to snuggle with her in Madelyn's bed thinking maybe she'd fall back asleep & let me sleep for a few more minutes, but that didn't work. Madelyn was in my bed nestled comfortably between Jon & I. Jon & I were not so comfy due to Madelyn's kicking & sharing of our pillows as she slept so soundly! The girls & I went to Kroger this morning then went to get Madelyn's hair cut with Tracy. Madelyn has been so excited (this was her 2nd haircut). She was such a good little customer...she got a shampoo, cut, blowout, & a style. Even Ansley's hair got some much needed attention. We give the girls a bath & wash their hair in the evenings b/c its more convenient for me. During the night, Ansley's pretty curls get smashed & smudged by her pillow as she sleeps. In the morning, Ansley's hair is a big puff of frizz in the back! Tracy squirted some water over the frizz, blow dried her hair, then added some leave-in-conditioner. The results were Ansley doesn't have to walk around with frizzy hair anymore! Since it such a beautiful day, the girls & I had a picnic lunch in our backyard. Madelyn's loves picnics. We had a picnic dinner with Daddy at Seneca Park yesterday. Ansley is taking a nap but when she wakes up, maybe we'll go to the zoo (another favorite of the girls). Jon has to work late tonight. Hopefully we'll have a nice day tomorrow b/c I know he loves taking advantage of this weather too:)


Margie said...

What an exciting day! I visualized every event in my mind as I read your blog and felt almost like I was there. I love Madelyn's hair, she looks so sophisticated. I love the picnic picture too, Ansley is looking straight at Madelyn's sandwich. What a hoot! I'll look for some zoo pictures??

happymomof4 said...

Glad to see that you all have been out enjoying the little bit of beautiful weather we have been having!!!
I know what you are talking about with Ansley's hair! Henry's does the same thing, especially in the back where he has a little bit of curl (I usually keep it pretty short because it does get frizzy!). Madelyn's haircut looks good:) My Madelyn is after me to take her to get her's cut (she ONLY gets a trim!!! Her hair is way to pretty for me to cut short!!!) Glad to see you all are doing well.