Saturday, August 8, 2009

Waiting for Baby

So, my due date was yesterday. I'm scheduled to be induced on Monday at 6:00 AM. Maybe I'll deliver sometime during that afternoon or evening...not sure since I've never been induced before. My mom flew in from Louisiana Thursday July 30. She is supposed to fly home this Thursday but is considering staying longer. I experienced false labor the other night. I've had Braxton-Hicks contractions for the past 3 months. The difference the other night was the contractions were 10 minutes apart, then 8 minutes. I was hoping I was going into labor. I think our baby boy is in no hurry to get out of my belly! Its been nice having my mom here, keeping us company during our daily routine. She has been spoiling me by doing dishes, cleaning, helping with the girls, & letting me sleep in! The girls are enjoying Grandma's company as well. Ansley calls her "Na-ma". Today was a fun day. We went to the Farmer's Market this morning. Then met Geoff, Brandi, & the cousins at our pool. For dinner we ate BLT's & fresh corn on the cob from the market this morning. After dinner, we played outside & the girls got a dessert from the the ice cream man. Tomorrow is my last day of being a mom of 2! What am I going to do tomorrow you ask? We're going to church, then out to lunch. For dinner we're going to have waffles, eggs, sausage, & strawberries. Barbara, Jon's mom, is driving up tomorrow night to help with the girls on Monday. I have been trying to spend special time with the girls since we'll be throwing a third into the mix. I can't wait to lay eyes on our new little man. I'm excited to watch our family grow. We have so much fun together. Wish me luck!


happymomof4 said...

I have been thinking about you all, glad to hear that things are going well and you have had some help. I will definately be thinking about you tomorrow and look forward to hearing the good news and seeing pictures of your little man:) Thinking of you and sending good thoughts and prayers your all's way:)

The Hickman's said...

Good luck tomorrow. Can't wait to see pictures of the little guy