Monday, September 21, 2009

Nolan 6 Weeks Old

Nolan is 6 weeks old today! I know its been forever since I've blogged. When I have time to mess around on the computer, I'm too tired, not inspired, or need to be doing something else. Nolan is doing great! He is in the 90th percentile on height & weight. He weighs 11 lbs 11 ozs & is 23 inches long. He's wearing his 3-6 month clothes. The top of his head is still bald. I gave up dairy & chocolate b/c he was especially cranky with gas pains. It seems to be helping. He is sleeping better at night. He sleeps pretty well the first part of the night, then he gets squirmy & uncomfortable with gas pains. The best part about Nolan's age is his social smile! I love when he smiles at me:) He loves it when I talk to him with our faces close together. He stares at me very intensely & if I'm lucky he'll give me a smile!

Nolan went on his first vacation a couple of weeks ago to Destin. He did great on the drive sleeping most of the way. He only visited the beach a couple of times when we had shade for him. It was difficult choosing which family beach picture was the best this year. Jon's eyes were closed or squinted in every shot & my hair was blowing what looked to be 50 miles per hour in alot of the photos!!

1 comment:

happymomof4 said...

AWWWW!!! LOVE the pictures. Nolan is getting big. Looks like you all had a great vacation. You are brave taking two little ones a newborn to the beach:)
Thanks for the update, I was wondering how you all were doing but also figured you had your hands full too!