Thursday, August 25, 2011

Summer Rewind

Here's my new 8 passenger swagger wagon. Sweet ride!
3 of my pretty girls
Ansley posing at ballet camp
Madelyn lost her fist tooth (Bottom front left)! She lost it while eating an apple.
Nolan's first horse ride. He loved it!


happymomof4 said...

Congrats on the new van, it looks very nice!! YAY!!!! Madelyn, hope the tooth fairy was good to you. (My Madelyn is still waiting to lose her first tooth). LOVE all the pictures, your kiddos are so cute!! Ellory and Edie are growing and changing so much- love the picture of them sleeping cuddle with each other how sweet:) Hope you all are doing well!

Margaret said...

great pictures, thanks for sharing. Katherine called today and told me to check out the blog.

The Lynch's said...

I've missed ya blogging!!! I know that you have your hands full and updating a blog is probably last on the list! ha ha! I love the new pictures and the twins are getting big! I wish you were still here louisville so we can hang out during the days:(
Hope you all had a great summer! Take care!!!