Thursday, December 8, 2011

Madelyn & School

Here's Madelyn playing a pilgrim for her Thanksgiving play. Jon, the kids, & I also joined her class for a Thanksgiving feast. Lesson learned that day: get babysitter for Nolan & Ansley when spending long periods of time in Madelyn's classroom with lots of people crammed in was crazy!
Madelyn won 2nd place in her Kindergarten through 3rd grade division art contest for her school! The theme was diversity. Madelyn painted an array of colorful cakes on canvas using acrylic paint. Will post picture when we get it back.
Here's Madelyn eating breakfast before school. She growing & maturing so fast. She's still my sweet Madelyn.

1 comment:

happymomof4 said...

Madelyn looks so grown up! Our girls are growing up so fast. She is a very pretty pilgram- tell her congrats!!!
I know what you mean about trying to go to the kids school. I went to the feast at Henry's school which was in his classroom- it was hard trying to keep my focus on Henry but Miss Livi need my attention too it was just rough. Can't imagine trying to do it with all the kiddos!