Tuesday, May 12, 2009


were the first words out of Ansley's mouth yesterday evening as I walked in the door from my walk. She was pointing at her belly as she spoke. I yelled for Jon who was "watching" the girls. He ran down stairs & together we looked for the evidence of whatever the blue substance was all over Ansley. The culprit was yogurt. She had gotten in the refrigerator, opened the yogurt, & apparently got more of it on her self than she did in her mouth! I could not get mad at her b/c she was so cute. We found the empty yogurt cup in the living room, along with more yogurt mess on the couch & pillow.


happymomof4 said...

Cute:) Glad that you all found the yogurt cup! Henry can now get into the refrigerator, the stove and the dishwasher! So we are having to buy saftey devices to keep him out!!! Oh the fun of boys:)

Margie said...

Ansley Elisabeth!!!